Wheater South Tyrol, wheater San Genesio, wheater Bolzano
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General weather situation today

An area of high pressure builds up over Western Europe and South Tyrol slowly comes under its influence.

General weather situation today:
The day will be changeable. The sun will shine at times, but some rain showers will develop, mostly in the afternoon. In the northern valleys Föhn winds.
Wetter Max. 18 °C
Min. 12 °C

Mountain weather today:
Weak high pressure conditions Residual clouds on the alpine crest, then mostly sunny weather. During the day some cumuliform clouds, but mostly dry.

Temperature in 2.000 m: 10 °C
Temperature in 3.000 m: 0 °C
0°C limit: 3000 Meter

Weather tomorrow:
Residual clouds, then sunny weather. In the afternoon some harmless clouds.
Wetter Max. 25 °C
Min. 11 °C

Weather development:
Friday will be mostly sunny, few clouds. The sun will also shine on Saturday, but there will also be a few clouds. Sunday will start with some low clouds, then sunny weather with some cumuliform clouds in the afternoon. Monday more clouds and isolated rain showers in the second part of the day.

11.05.2024 12.05.2024 13.05.2024
Wetter Wetter Wetter
Max. 27 °C
Min. 3 °C
Max. 27 °C
Min. 5 °C
Max. 26 °C
Min. 5 °C

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Hotel Tschögglbergerhof - Saltus srl · Freigasse 8 · I-39050 San Genesio, Sout Tyrol · Tel. +39 0471 354 119 · Fax +39 0471 354 076 · hotel@tschoegglbergerhof.it
VAT and Tax number IT02524000219 · Register of Companies of Bolzano/Bozen N. 184601
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South Tyrol Hotel König Laurin Hotel Tschögglbergerhof - Booking South Tyrol